1:1 Mentorship Program

with Winter Jendayi


A six-month journey within the Altar of the Medicine Wheel

An immersion into earth-based teachings with individualized guidance to

support you as you awaken, transform, reclaim and remember.


For those who wish to deepen upon their sacred path through committing to

the growth & evolution of Self through receiving teachings & guidance

and implementing them into personal practice.

This program is for you if you arE

~ On a Healing Journey ~

~ Seeking more Harmony and Alignment in your Life ~

~ Called to Hold Space for others and Serve your Community ~

~ Ready to Cultivate a Clear Vision and Prayer for yourself to Serve ~

~ Looking for Tools to Anchor and Ground your Spiritual Growth so it may Integrate into your Life thoroughly ~

~ Desiring more Ritual in your Life ~

~ Seeking to increase your Intuitive Abilities ~

~ Called to Explore your Ancestral Roots ~

~ Wanting to cultivate an overall sense of Empowerment and Security in Who You Are ~

~ Inspired to approach Life from an Authentic, Heart-Centered Space ~

~ Ready to sharpen your Awareness of your Unique Gifts ~

~ Committed to Breaking Generational Patterns and Pave a New, Healthy Path forward ~


 This Mentorship Program focuses on two major components:

Sacred Teachings & Individualized Guidance

Sacred Teachings are offered through the transmission of teachings which Winter shares throughout the six-months. She shares in-depth about each of the Seven Directions, the Elements, Chakras, Seasons, Moon Cycles and much more, weaving across cultures and revealing the common threads between lineages of all peoples of the Earth. Through these teachings, Winter provides a framework in which to integrate and apply one’s personal life, and this framework becomes a support for the individual from which they can navigate, much like having a compass. This system is a living altar which supports the individual in feeling Rooted & Connected, and oriented towards their personal North Star. PDF documents are provided for each of the Five Gateways which make up the Altar of this Mentorship, providing the individual with information on practices and tools to support them in studying, integrating and understanding this wisdom.



Individualized guidance supports in the integration of all of the teachings shared, and provides the opportunity for the mentee to be supported in integrating this altar and wisdom, into their life. With the intuitive guidance and support that Winter shares, she holds a safe and sacred container which allows the mentee to share vulnerably and examine the different areas of their life, coming into clarity of where they’d like to create changes, make shifts, tend to necessary healing, create new openings, and use this Mentorship as a stepping stone towards growth and steps towards the embodiment of a more aligned, empowered and harmonic version of who they are.

This Mentorship holds space for accountability as the individual is guided forward throughout the process, and offers stability through the rhythm of the bi-monthly sessions. Winter supports the individual in truly understanding and anchoring the teachings shared, so that the mentee not only has a mental/information-based understanding but rather stands within this wisdom through experience and embodiment as they become the living, breathing altar of their life.


Click below to see Program details & Curriculum



“Saying yes to Winter’s mentorship program was such an affirmation of myself. She met me right where I was in my spiritual journey and generously poured her loving support, ancestral knowledge, ancient wisdom, compassion and grace into me as she guided me through my process. As someone who didn’t grow up with any spiritual discipline (or religion), I appreciated how she helped me to create space for my truth to live in a powerful way within this work. Our bi-monthly sessions were a balance of structured lessons in spiritual practices along with intuitive openness about how to incorporate these practices with integrity. Her weekly 75-minute yoga sessions were also extremely enriching and grounding. Now that I’ve completed the full cycle of the mentorship, I have a clear foundation to build on. I have tools and resources that I can pull from. I have a renewed sense of ownership of/engagement in my spiritual journey. I can see a clear path forward for my intergenerational healing, and I am eternally grateful.” - Kimiko W.

“My journey during this mentorship was nothing short of profound. I had wanted to create a deeper connection to the directions and in this mentorship, got to work with each one individually over the course of 6+ months. This mentorship for me was a series of initiations, taking me deeper into myself and deepening my connection with the elements and the unseen support that is here for all of us. I had a really palpable experience of everything happening exactly as it is supposed to. The perfect unfolding that birthed this whole new level of clarity, focus, inspiration, and alignment for me that is beyond what I expected. I was blown away by the synchronicity of the journey and the space that Winter held for the unfolding of the journey. She had this approach of holding the container in a way that was empowering and validating for me, and allowed me to really start trusting myself in a new way. She was a guide, but also held the mirror that showed me that I am capable and have all that I need within me. I am so grateful for the journey she supported me on and I have a well of support to draw from now through everything I learned from Winter, from this journey back to the center of my own medicine wheel.” - Jennifer M.

“Honestly, when we started I didn’t really have a clue what the Mentorship would be like or even what it was when we had a conversation about it. It just really felt aligned and Spirit was strongly drawing me to it. I also felt like I really needed some shifts in my life. Winter takes you through each direction and calls in different energies and shows you how to work with them. We just finished the South (fire) and are going into the West (water) and the most magical, aligned things are happening in my life and it’s great! I’m a psychic medium and used to do that professionally. I’m highly sensitive and had been feeling so overwhelmed by energy. I feel much more grounded and aligned with myself. I’m so happy that I’m doing it! Especially with how the world is right now. I’m feeling more powerful for sure.”

- Bridget R.

“Where do I even start when talking about the beauty and connection that I have found through Winter's teachings... She has shown me a spiritual path that was waiting to embrace me, but I couldn't see it. The wisdom and light that she carries with her, which she gives freely to others, has set me on my own spiritual journey which I am eager to learn more and more of, from her and from myself.” - Stephanie C.